About this Blog

Welcome to my Blog. The title "オニドリルさんマジイケメン" means "Fearow is really cool!".
This character Fearow is from Pokemon, in the same time, he is my lover.


DCA who is Douglas Carl Engelbart for me..

       /::::::::::  u\
      /:::::::::⌒ 三. ⌒\       Hmm....Okay
    /:::::::::: ( ○)三(○)\  
    |::::::::::::::::⌒(__人__)⌒  | ________
     \::::::::::   ` ⌒´   ,/ .| |          ...|
    ノ::::::::::u         \ | |  Assignment   .|
  /:::::::::::::::::      u     | |            |
 |::::::::::::: l  u             | |    CIS 0835 Fall   |
 ヽ:::::::::::: -一ー_~、⌒)^),-、   | |_________.|
  ヽ::::::::___,ノγ⌒ヽ)ニニ- ̄   | |  |

     /⌒  ⌒\
   /( ●)   (●) \   Today, Let me introduce you about
  /::::⌒(__人__)⌒::::: \   Douglas Carl Engelbart to you guys!
  |     |r┬-|      |
  \      `ー'´      /

First of all, Douglas Carl Engelbart is an American Inventor that has
invented the hypertext, networck omputer, and computer mouse.
The picture in the above is him. Isint he look nice huh?

On 1986, there were a conforence called " A History of Personal Workstation " in California Poloalto.
There were introduing the people who has changed the histor, and this was also written as a book by
Hamada Toshio, but the Japanese version translation had already disappere.

Dr.Engelbart was also called in this confarence and have perform his thesis "Augmenting the Human Intellect: A conceptual framework".
In this thesis, he has mention...
"With a "pointer," he indicates two points of interest, moves his left hand rapidly over the keyboard, and the distance and elevation between the points indicated appear on the right-hand third of the screen."

You could see that he is showing the pointer in the screen, by using his mouse.

*For the people who don't know "pointer", this is the pointer↓

I guess everyone have seen it if you are watching this blog from your computer.
*Tag from Blog Appartment- Mouse Hole

Oh, and theres an another thing that I want to introduce.

There was an mouse that has a shape of mouse.
When I found this picture, I thought that " I want this!" but let me think again.
It seems hard to controll it. Everyone, when you buy things, please plan what would you use it for.

2 件のコメント:

  1. やる夫にフイタwwwww

  2. I would like to introduce some other stuff using Yaruo, and introduce "Yaruo" in my next blog about face made out by words.
